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Approaching the Problem of Evil as We Should—Biblically and Theologically

I. Introduction

For many, the Christian commitment to a view of God as omnipotent yet omnibenevolent means that we must live with the problem of evil as the proverbial ‘thorn in the side’ of Christianity. Why is that? Because Christians are committed to what the Bible says about God. Scripture declares that the Lord does ‘whatever he pleases’ (Ps. 135:6).[1] Psalm 33 speaks of God’s great power, glory, justice, and goodness as the Creator, having brought creation into existence by speaking. The everlasting God ‘never becomes faint or weary; there is no limit to his understanding’ (Isa. 40:28). He does not merely observe the flow of history, rather, he has written the flow of history, in that he declares ‘the end from the beginning, and from long ago what is not yet done, saying: my plan will take place, and I will do all my will’ (Isa. 46:10). Reading such passages should cause us, as we are commanded, to ‘stand in awe of him’ (Ps. 33:8).

But in reading such passages about God, the lingering sting of evil persists. Because if God is as Scripture says he is, why, if he has such power, does he allow evil to exist? While Christian theologians have offered treatments or explanations in an effort to justify what seems to be a paradox, those who are committed to the Bible as the authoritative Word of God must rest with the ‘tension’ (i.e., mystery), the problem of evil creates. However, for some, an appeal to mystery is not a satisfying conclusion.[2] Modern objections to God’s love and power as described in the Bible is because the objectors insist that if God’s nature is truly love and he has all power, then he would at once eradicate all the evil in the world.[3] The problem with this argument is that it assumes we know how God should deal with evil. Yet because humans are part of a universe that has been tainted by evil, we are not in the proper position to construct theodicies. We lack the mind of God; therefore, we are unable to answer for him. However, what we can do is take note that God works through evil, as demonstrated by the sufferings of Christ. He did not question why God has permitted evil; but rather, he submit his will to God because he knew that to do contrary is evil, as Adam and Eve discovered.

II. Scope of the essay

This essay will not follow other contemporary philosophers of religion, such as John Hick, Alvin Plantinga, and Richard Swinburne.[4] The problem with philosophical approaches, as Karen Kilby points out, is that they isolate and treat evil independently. We must not think of the problem of evil as a stand-alone subject, detached from its theological context.[5] Rather, as I will argue, if we follow a biblical-theological approach, regardless of any philosophical antimonies or paradoxes, we will better position ourselves to see evil in context, where God has included it as a story-board through which he achieves his redemptive purposes. And in doing so, a theme emerges that traces out a path that leads to glory through evil.

What follows is a theologically-centered road map, showing that God works in and through evil, which I will be careful to define. This approach does not discount or dismiss such passages that express God’s sovereign power or his love; rather, I hope, it will lead the believer, in good conscience, to affirm that while evil exists in the world, when Scripture says God ‘does whatever he pleases’ (Ps. 135:6), evil is included in his pleasing purposes in a manner that does not conflict or contradict with his power, goodness, and love. On this road map, God’s almighty manifestation of his glory, the only visible archetype of divine action and power on earth, culminates at the location of the Easter event, where the cross marks the spot. 

Click here to download the full article.

[1] Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture citations will be taken from the Christian Standard Bible. Nashville, Tenn.: Holman Bible Publishers, 2017.

[2] For example, Thomas Jay Oord, God Can’t! How to Believe in God and Love after Tragedy, Abuse, or Other Suffering (SacraSage Press, 2019). For a recent work offering various theodical accounts see Chad Meister and James K. Dew Jr, eds., God and the Problem of Evil: Five Views (Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Academic, 2017).

[3] This stems from the argument of dilemma regarding the problem of evil as articulated by David Hume in Part X of Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion: ‘Is he willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then is he impotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Whence then is evil?’, in David Hume, Writings on Religion, ed. by Antony Flew (La Salle, Ill.: Open Court, 1999), 261.

[4] For an exposition and engagement of their positions, see John S. Feinberg, The Many Faces of Evil: Theological Systems and the Problems of Evil, 3rd ed. (Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 2004).

[5] Karen Kilby, ‘Evil and the Limits of Theology’, New Blackfriars, 84.983 (2003), 13–29, (p.5). The article I am referencing from is a reproduction of the original publication; page numbers will differ from original citation.


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